Swedish Bitcoin Association

Key Note 2024

I opened the Swedish Bitcoin Association’s Bitcoin Symposium 2024,

with a presentation aimed at a diverse audience: those who have not yet fully grasped Bitcoin’s potential, and those who understand it but find themselves in circles that seem unreceptive to Bitcoin’s message. In 30 minutes, I provided an overview of the fundamental problems with our current monetary system and highlighted Bitcoin as a potential solution, offering an insightful yet broad illumination of its unique value and opportunities. I have placed the link to the recorded presentation behind a "paywall" of 1200 sat (~5 SEK), payable in Bitcoin via the Lightning Network. It might seem a bit greedy, but here’s my thinking: If you’re truly interested, you need to learn how to make such a payment. Consider it a small challenge, and of course, as a poor student, I also need to earn some money somehow. However, if you’re also a struggling student or unable to manage the technical aspects of making the payment, email me and explain your situation. I will likely send you a link to the video anyway. You should definitely see it! NOTE: My KeyNote is in Swedish.